Day 4: Accidentally Breaking and Entering

The first edit was basically a drunk ramble, so hopefully this will make more sense.

So the day began in the early morning… Really early morning… Around 4am. We were going to see the world famous sunrise at the beautiful Angkor Wat.

Angkor Wat, in case you didn’t know, is basically a really old building, well temple actually, built between 113-5BC, So as you can imagine, people come from all around the world to see it. It really is beautiful, especially at sunrise, where you get these amazing reflections from the water in front of the temple. It is truly an incredible sight. Well I imagine it is anyway, when we rocked up it was more or less just grey.

Compare the pictures above and tell me which you think is mine, and which was taken about 3 days before…


When the sun had actually risen, and we’d stopped for a nutritious breakfast of hard boiled egg and bread, we began our day of temple viewing, the first of many temple viewing days as it turned out. We started, of course, with Angkor Wat. It was pretty awesome. Even my first taste of Cambodian sunburn and sweaty knees couldn’t take that fact away. We visited a number of temples, which were all amazing, pretty old and quite cool really.

Here I am looking awkward on some old rocks

Okay I’m going to take a moment here to stop talking about old buildings to mention lunch. Normally it wouldn’t exactly be vital to mention lunch, however when I read down the menu and saw ‘snake soup’, I felt like this is something I would probably remember for a lifetime… especially when a couple of guys in the group decided to order this weird concoction. In case anyone was wondering, it apparently tastes of chicken. I didn’t have any myself so I couldn’t possibly comment.

The rest of the afternoon consisted of most of the group going quad biking while I napped. I guess I could say how important it is to get enough sleep while travelling, especially when days are as busy as mine had been… however I was just feeling lazy.

As it turned out, my roommate of the last couple of days had flipped her quad, and ended up with a broken wrist, and after being rushed to a&e: had stitches in her chin. She ended up leaving the trip a few days later. As her roommate, I probably would have been on the back of her quad, had I not been napping, so it was at this point I was pretty thankful for my laziness.

The evening consisted of cocktails, at ‘YOLO bar’. This was essentially the pryzm of Siem Reap. The similarities between pryzm and yolo bar began with a group of girls chanting the lyrics to Justin Bieber- ‘sorry’ at the top of their lungs, and ended with the dj telling me “ok I’ll put cha cha slide on for you if you give me a kiss” (no thanks). The rest of the night was a bit of a mad one… Why do we not have limbo contests in British clubs?!

we are so white

The night took somewhat of a turn when we left the bar. A small group of us wandered off, in search of the hotel and suddenly we were lost. Like really lost. Even the tuk tuk drivers didn’t know the hostel. It was a nightmare. It was at this point 2 of us decided to wander off into what looked like an abandoned building site. Oooooh spooky. Chatting at the top of our lungs, we sauntered into this old house thing, turned the corner… and there was a collection of mosquito nets… and people asleep in them… We had literally walked into somebody’s home while they were asleep.

And so we ran out of the ‘building site and got in a tuk tuk pretty quick, for fear of being chased.


Thanks for reading my lil travel blog!


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